Green Steeze - Licensed Plant Nursery - Native Plants & Seeds | Vegetables | Houseplants

Plant Nursery

It's been years in the making! We started our nursery in a tiny little space where we built a hydroponic system that grew horizontally across the front of an apartment kitchen, and a sunny balcony, shelved-out with native plants. The plants began to take over the shared hallway (thank you for being so cool neighbors), and vegetable starts began to consume the living room space, so it was imperative to find a bigger space. We still haven't found our forever location, but our nursery has expanded quite a bit.

Now we have plants galore! Check-out our plants!

Native Trees & Shrubs
Natives for Sun
Natives for Shade
Native Aquatic & Bog Plants (coming soon!)
Native Seeds
Houseplants (coming Summer 2024)
Vegetable Starts

Most of our plants are Exclusively Available for Green Steeze Clients, but we do have Limited Nursery Editions available for online sales & farmers markets.

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